Thank God It's All Over for SHM et al

that analogy is brilliant and all but its retarded in this debate… im sure you could argue to the burger lovers there is a steak joint right round the corner from the fancy burger shop, but maybe at the time they feel like a burger? so why cant they also just want a big mac instead of some fancy burger? people like what they like sure you can suggest other forms of music but this post is stemmed in a whiny little boy who spilt his icecream mentality. **** caring what other people are doing/making i say we become a little more self indulgent with music, after all we dont like something purely because other people do…

oh and im not trying to say non popular stuff isnt cool i ***** love loads of different types of music. i like what i like, give a **** who thinks im cool or not for what i like. **** them. my point is which i hope u all understand is create what you want, who cares if everyone else thinks its crap… if you deep down love your music, thats all that matters.



could you please list some of these underground artists so that i can exploit their sound and take it overground for my own financial gain.

thank you.

[quote]krisroberts (24/02/2011)[hr]that analogy is brilliant and all but its retarded in this debate… im sure you could argue to the burger lovers there is a steak joint right round the corner from the fancy burger shop, but maybe at the time they feel like a burger? so why cant they also just want a big mac instead of some fancy burger? people like what they like sure you can suggest other forms of music but this post is stemmed in a whiny little boy who spilt his icecream mentality. **** caring what other people are doing/making i say we become a little more self indulgent with music, after all we dont like something purely because other people do…


No its not retarded, in fact your comment about the steak place etc features in the full length version of the analogy :wink:

My point was that liking something that isn’t mainstream isn’t always an attempt to be cool. It can also be a result of a strong interest in something that leads you to find hidden gems. The general consumer might well be happy with the mainstream product and require nothing more.

Not caring what other people think is the ideal state of mind. Few people truly crack it though. Tender and fragile artists that we are :wink:

[quote]jpgetty2win (24/02/2011)[hr]hi

could you please list some of these underground artists so that i can exploit their sound and take it overground for my own financial gain.

thank you.[/quote]

You not listened to my tunes :smiley:

In the end we all end up underground…

…so let’s make the most of our time here :smiley:

Anyone else also bored of this thread now?

This and so many others :crazy:

**** this thread is now closed ****

[quote]Roben (25/02/2011)[hr]Anyone else also bored of this thread now?[/quote]

You could always go over to this one


Bring some sandwiches & tell someone where you’re going if you do start reading it! :wink:

If you ever try to copy now your all ready 6 months behind…in terms of production now is then and then is a million years ago. if you want to be current you will need to have made tomorrows new sound yesterday or you will be sooooo in the past youll need a time machine to get to the present which as ive said is already in the past.

6AM POSTS?! :laugh:

Nurse, please send round a dose of Bacon, Sausages & Eggs to Mr Johnston’s Bed.

We’ll start him off on 100g of fried soda bread and monitor his progress after that.

It is serious, but he should make a full recovery :smiley:

[quote]phil johnston (26/02/2011)[hr]If you ever try to copy now your all ready 6 months behind…in terms of production now is then and then is a million years ago. if you want to be current you will need to have made tomorrows new sound yesterday or you will be sooooo in the past youll need a time machine to get to the present which as ive said is already in the past.[/quote]

The force tells me an excuse for the genres covered has arrived here.

[quote]phil johnston (26/02/2011)[hr]If you ever try to copy now your all ready 6 months behind…in terms of production now is then and then is a million years ago. if you want to be current you will need to have made tomorrows new sound yesterday or you will be sooooo in the past youll need a time machine to get to the present which as ive said is already in the past.


hahahaha are you on drugs Philip? :laugh: :laugh:

Brilliant! Very 'phil’isophical

[quote]lorddarthfader (22/02/2011)[hr]Too many people making music who shouldn’t be, beatport flooded with blandness, the next wave will sort the men from the boys. Kids are not taking ketamine anymore, they can hear that it’s not proper music they are listening to finally, y’all are gonna need to stop the faking and get some REAL music down soon.

Dubstep is pop, SHM is pop, Electro House is pop.

A return to the underground is coming.

You wait and see ;)[/quote]

Yeah, yeah…whatever.

By “pop” you mean “popular”, right? And by “underground”, you mean “obscure” and “starving” and “don’t quit your day job”, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]ICN (26/02/2011)[hr]6AM POSTS?! :laugh:

Nurse, please send round a dose of Bacon, Sausages & Eggs to Mr Johnston’s Bed.

We’ll start him off on 100g of fried soda bread and monitor his progress after that.

It is serious, but he should make a full recovery :D[/quote]

wheres my damn soda!!! my head hurts

Up the Soda to 200g please Nurse.

Organise a Bed Bath for Mr. Johnston & then find him some clean clothes… :wink: :smiley:

[quote]bangthedj (24/02/2011)[hr][quote]krisroberts (24/02/2011)[hr]if people are enjoying the music they make then whats wrong with that? LOL gotta love self proclaimed music connoisseurs…[/quote]

True, but if your good buddy though MacDonalds was the pinnacle of the Hamburger world, wouldn’t you want to educate hit to the delights of the awesome indie home made grill joint you know about tucked away in the back streets?

It’s not all snobbery, sometimes it’s just not knowing that something else is even available.[/quote]


[quote]ICN (26/02/2011)[hr]6AM POSTS?! :laugh:

Nurse, please send round a dose of Bacon, Sausages & Eggs to Mr Johnston’s Bed.

We’ll start him off on 100g of fried soda bread and monitor his progress after that.

It is serious, but he should make a full recovery :D[/quote]

Dont pimp me out m8, the other 2 members of my deep fried family may be happy being pimped 2 phils bed … but i aint that way inclined !!!:smiley: