Hey guys. Just thought this news may be of interest to a few of you in here…br
To celebrate reaching 200 independently produced sound effects libraries on Sonniss in just under 4 months, we have teamed up with our vendors to offer exclusive discounts on thousands of dollars worth of sound effects libraries for the next 30 days.br
You can find exclusive deals from: Chuck Russom FX, RDGSoundFX, 3maze, Beautiful Noise, C.A. Sound, Inc, Carl Malherbe, Detunized, Eiravaein Works, Josh Reinhardt, Giorgio Riolo, Glitchedtones, KDSound, Alexander Kopeikin, kpowaudio, Mattia Cellotto, Payam Tavakoli, Julian Ray, Red Sound Libraries (Fred Devanlay), Samuel Justice, SoundFuse, SFXsource, Sonic Salute (Mikkel Nielsen), SoundEXmachina, SoundBits, thesoundcatcher, Graham Donnelly, Stereochemistry, Chris Sweetman, Timothy McHugh, Tovusound, Bonson Sound Libraries, USO, Carlo Ascrizzi, TheLibrarybyEmptySea, Membrans Sound Design.br
Don’t forget to check it out. Pretty much every independently produced sound effects library on the internet is on sale. Various discounts ranging from 10% to 50% off all libraries.br
Here are the discount codes…br
Chuck Russom FX 20% RUSSOM20OFFbr
3maze 30% 3MAZE30OFFbr
Beautiful Noise 50% BEAUT50OFFbr
C.A. Sound Inc 25% CA25OFFbr
Carl Malherbe 50% CARL50OFFbr
Detunized 40% DETUN40OFFbr
Eiravaein Works 20% EIRA20OFFbr
Josh Reinhardt 30% FOLEY30OFFbr
Giorgio Riolo 30% GIOR30OFFbr
Glitchedtones 50% GLITCH50OFFbr
KDSound 20% KD20OFFbr
Alexander Kopeikin 50% KOP50OFFbr
Mattia Cellotto 30% MATT30OFFbr
Payam Tavakoli 20% PAYAM20OFFbr
Julian Ray 50% RAY50OFFbr
RDGSoundFX 25% RDG25OFFbr
Red Sound Libraries 10% RED10OFFbr
Samuel Justice 50% SAM50OFFbr
SoundFuse 20% SFUSE20OFFbr
SFXsource 50% SFX50OFFbr
Sonic Salute 20% SONIC20OFFbr
SoundEXMachina 30% SOUND30OFFbr
SoundBits 50% SOUNDBITS50OFFbr
The Sound Catcher 50% SOUNDCATCH50br
Graham Donnelly 50% SPEC50OFFbr
Stereo Chemistry 10% STEREO10OFFbr
Chris Sweetman 10% SWEETMAN10OFFbr
Timothy McHugh 50% TIMO50OFFbr
Tovusound 30% TOVU30OFFbr
whatisvalis 40% WHAT40OFFbr
Bonson Sound Libraries15% BONSON15OFFbr
TheLibrarybyEmptySea 15% SEA15OFFbr
USO 30% USO30OFFbr
Bluezone Corp 40% BLUE40OFFbr
Carlo Ascrizzi 10% CAR10OFFbr
Membrans Sound Design 25% MEMB25OFFbr