The History of Ableton Live

Thought you guys would appreciate this

Cheers! Very interesting read, especially the bit about Live NOT being based on a Max patch…

Cool one, I’m always interested in reading stuff like this

very cool! :slight_smile:

yah this was a sweet article.

That was such a beautiful article.

I almost started crying. I think i just held them inside…

That was beautiful. I love Ableton Live and bless the people out there that support the creators for there hard work, effort and dedication to creating such a beautiful musical work station, by purchasing it,not stealing it…

God bless,

Life is beautiful.

Sweet nice post :smiley:

[quote]Skylight (09/04/2011)[hr]That was such a beautiful article.
I almost started crying. I think i just held them inside…

That was beautiful. I love Ableton Live and bless the people out there that support the creators for there hard work, effort and dedication to creating such a beautiful musical work station, by purchasing it,not stealing it…

God bless,
Life is beautiful.[/quote]

What disco did you buy that buiscuit from ?:smiley:

[quote]egg2 (10/04/2011)[hr][quote]Skylight (09/04/2011)[hr]That was such a beautiful article.

I almost started crying. I think i just held them inside…

That was beautiful. I love Ableton Live and bless the people out there that support the creators for there hard work, effort and dedication to creating such a beautiful musical work station, by purchasing it,not stealing it…

God bless,

Life is beautiful.[/quote]

What disco did you buy that buiscuit from ?:D[/quote]

LOL I bought it from the Indian Lookout Country club in Mariaville, New York where i get to dance to there new album under the stars:D

hahahahahahah :smiley: