The Low End

Hey guys,

So I fired up a multiband compressor on a few pro tracks and solo’d everything below 150hz to get a comparison to my own **** and what I’ve noticed is they have absolutely nothing under there except for kick and bass.

Now I usually roll off with 12db low pass anywhere from the 150 - 250 hz range on my synth sounds and more aggressive elsewhere, but I still have some faint frequencies in that range. Today I tried experimenting by rolling off really aggressive and to get things silent in that range I noticed I had to roll off to like 400 - 500 hz or use 24 db filters up to like 300. Everything sounded gutted and like **** obviously at this point.

So my question is, how do the pros do it? do they have some aggressive roll off done at the mastering stage or something on like a synth bus at around 150hz … what am I missing here?

Is it maybe also that the rhythms of thevtracks you listening too all match up to the bass