The SA Forum Story

Wayne posted a Topic about what he should write in the story…

but failed miserably as he had not read the manual on how to post

suddenly appeared :hehe:

Then J.HiZ sampled a manual off YT :stuck_out_tongue:

And forwarded a printed version to icn who’s wanked on it and sent it to …

Roben , who gave it away to his special clients…

BoneIDOL complained about not getting a sniff of it when he was supposed to…

Then left the forums anyway bye bye he waved when…

roben said…

Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard

Their shadows searching in the night

Streetlights people, living just to find emotion

Hiding, somewhere in the night.

Whet are my FTW diamond encrusted headphones??

To which Angus FX said: “Egg, Old Boy… Have you been left with any extra penile dysfunction since your rollerblading incident, what?”

egg replied …ask your mum !:smiley:

“Yes dearie, he has” she cackled

and wanted to tell everyone that NomadSpectrum has just reached 500 followers (true) :smiley:

At this point, Slender found the Diamond headphones and had an encrusted viking helmet forged in middle earth.

but no one gave a **** so he went looking for his next victim with a bottle of chloroform!!

Nomad Spectrum then released a voice message out to his fans, a-la Wayne, asking for “support” and “support” and “support” and “support” and “support” and “support” etc…

so wayne gave him his best 1 dd bra and a pair of budgie smugglers

little did wayne suspect, slender had planned to slip his **** in waynes left ear