The SA Forum Story

I did something like this a few years back on here and it was mildly amusing, not overly but mildly, now perhaps with more people here than there used to be and with an Off Topic forum it should be better.

Anyways the idea is you’re only allowed to write a sentance but it follows on from the last sentance posted, so it makes up a story.

You can take it any direction you want it really and include anyone you want but it can only be a sentance. It also doesn’t have to be about the forum users, it could include anyone and anything, a green pixie called bob for all that anyone cares, it’s random and can be hilarious in some cases if done well.

So I’ll start, let the story commence…

Slender woke up one morning wondering why his left hand felt wet…

And then he saw ICN lying naked next to him on the floor.

They both stared at each other for a while in disgust when Jan came bursting through the door with nothing but a pink frilly apron on holding mugs of coffee… “hey booyyys”

When suddenly a techno track had the bass drop in and nobody noticed.

slender starts to cry!

A squirrel monkey with a top hat called steve was on the decks

Howie knocked on the door… everyone in the forums pretended that they didnt hear it :stuck_out_tongue:

and when the door opened, howie shot ICN in the face dead from which everyone cheered!

Thats because everyone was afraid of his paranoia…

They all made their excuses & left - giving Howie fake contact details :slight_smile:

Once the Zombie Apocalypse happened though… All hell broke loose.

lord darth vader along with many others rose from dead

and jonsloan still has yet to be able to speak of the horrible tales that were the 1970s.

Meanwhile Jan was sucking his dummy when…

Warwick slipped his **** in and shout trance army!!

But the army was nowhere to be seen apart from er …the local spandex shop

…and he then started cry "no one listens to my pleas '

all of a sudden someone listened

Please oh Please just pan it hard left and pan it hard right they said.

slender jumps in and says no no top to bottom :smiley:

But everyone just nodded their heads as they knew slender was the Techno Viking :w00t: