Those "Neverending" build-ups la Cirez D or Dubfire


could you explain how you do this? which plugin, vst?

Keep in mind that I’m kinda new too… :smiley:


cant listen to them coz im in work

but i’ll take a guess

its probably just white noise starting with a closed low pass filter opening over a few bars

trilogy is probably the best vst for a single white noise sound, although it is an out and out bass vst


any other suggestions? :slight_smile:

Your links didnt work and that hosting website is awefull, try uploading them again to

[quote]roben (11/16/2008)[hr]Your links didnt work and that hosting website is awefull, try uploading them again to[/quote]

- YouTube

this is quite a good example, since almost the whole track consists of this technic

its basically just layering loads of sweeps and crossfading between them on a loop.

ill put something together and do a wee tutorial. :smiley:

[quote]phil johnston (11/24/2008)[hr]its basically just layering loads of sweeps and crossfading between them on a loop.

ill put something together and do a wee tutorial. :smiley:


Awesome!! can’t wait for it.

Mind doing it with Live? :smiley:

P.S. I’d also like to get used to another technic Phil. (didn’t feel like opening a new topic for it so I post my question here…)


It concerns those “deep bass effects”, I don’t know how to name it… you hear between each kick.



I worked something out with Live’s Operator & some Sidechain, but I can’t really control it to make it sound like I want…

maybe you can put it in the same tutorial if it’s not too much of work :smiley:

if you have Massive, ivesaved a white noise preset if you want it

sure, hand it over :slight_smile:

beside that, I still haven’t figured out for those build-ups & that bass effect from the youtube link I posted before.


heres that white noise preset for Massive -

let me know if its any use to ya!

download is not showing up on that page for me… :confused:

EDIT: my bad, it worked now.

pretty cool white noise, now how can I get that “build-up effect” with it? :smiley:

if your using ableton, increase the pitch gradually, using the pitch effect under “'MIDI Effects”, mess about with the frequencies in the filters (change to high pass as i think i saved that preset with a low pass filter), adjust resonance, and mainly increase the volume gradually! have fun anyway! (easiest way i found to use it was to just press one key and hold it, record it in MIDI, then edit it with effects (like i mentioned above)

oh and dont forget to use sidechaining!

[quote]phil johnston (11/24/2008)[hr]its basically just layering loads of sweeps and crossfading between them on a loop.

ill put something together and do a wee tutorial. :smiley:


I’d really like to see this!! Looking forwards, thanks Phil

phil, when are you planing to show us that tutorial vid? getting impatient to see it :smiley: