Ticket to BPM show this weekend available

As above.

If you want it let me know. Yours for free and valid all weekend.

The missus can’t make it now, so even potentially a lift up there and back on the cards if you are London area, tho I reserve the right to bail on that incase I decide to change my plans!

For the deets:


I’ll take it if you pay for my flight over from Canada :slight_smile:

Good on you for giving it away on here though fella, someone would be crazy not to take it.

I’ll pass on that offer, but thanks all the same :wink:

[quote]bangthedj (01/10/2010)[hr]I’ll pass on that offer, but thanks all the same ;)[/quote]

I can’t go unfortunately :frowning:

For anyone that is interested, the show was quite good. Lots of interesting vendors displaying and a few interesting seminars.

Highlight: Meeting Slipmatt

Lowpoint: Meeting Paul Van Dyk.

Should have some kit reviews from there up on the ole Utoob channel soon too.

[quote]bangthedj (03/10/2010)[hr]For anyone that is interested, the show was quite good. Lots of interesting vendors displaying and a few interesting seminars.

Highlight: Meeting Slipmatt

Lowpoint: Meeting Paul Van Dyk.

Should have some kit reviews from there up on the ole Utoob channel soon too.[/quote]

Did you get you hands on NI S4? I so wanted to see that :frowning:

It was there, and I saw it being demo’d but when the NI guys weren’t on it there was a constant 5 deep crowd around it!

So kinda…