is there a plug in or technique to help audio files sync and follow each others timing?br
like multiple vocal takes ?br
just to get the timing tight, i realise there is melodyne i guess this would be the obvious choice for this ? is it time consuming ? i think you would have to record all vocals into the vst then quantize them
Which DAW are you using? br
I might be misunderstanding the question, but there is an Auto-warp function in Ableton that can help with the timing and you can also time-stretch the audio (if necessary) to help it fit.
i have live 9 what i mean is when you have multiple takes of a vocalbr
and they are out of time, so playing together they sound loose,br
is there a tool to help multiple files follow the time of say a master file ?
found this but dont think it runs in Ableton damn !!br