this is a really good idea. i just did a new install like 3-4 months ago… but i would love it if my productions folder was clean again and void of the 30 or so projects I have started or worked on over the past 4 months. good call on pointing this crap out.
Formatted the lot. So glad I did. Lots of updates that I’d not noticed. Now installed and up to date. Even in Live 8.2.1 is the most bug riddled thing I’ve ever seen.
There no need for reinstall ever! Unless your system is totally ****ed with a virus beyond repair or you change your motherboard.
Just keep a back up of important on another internal or external HD or set your system up in RAID so everything is backed up in realtime.
Ensure you clean your reg every time you install and uninstall something, defrag on a regular basis and claen up all temp files etc etc. I generally use ccleaner at least once, and I mean at least a day.
this site [url=][/url] has excellent stuff for all of that and its all 100% free.
Doing a reinstall is a bloody pain in arse, no need for it either.
I’ll be doing a Defraggler overnight, done a full scan disk the other night to repair anything out of line… take ages with 4 harddrives