Today i went to a dark place

I was feeling like something new so i thought id see what we were missing and downloaded the fl beta. My god what an awful confusing pile of wank this program really is…

They only and i mean ONLY good thing it has is the step sequencer for drums, you really can get some really cool beats going really fast and the samples that you get are pretty decent too but unfortunately this is where the positives of this program end…

Now it might be that im a complete FL noob but i found that wanting to do simple things like for example in the piano roll selecting 32nd notes instead of 1/8 notes is an extremely difficult task and nothing is simple like it is in ableton.

I checked out the so called legandary synths that fl has but tbh none of them were good apart from mabey Sitrus. The fx and stuff is ok but once again seem pretty hard to get to the more advanced uses.

I dont really have the time to fully learn a whole new sequencer but my god is this program awful. The last version of FL i used was version 8 and tbh this was alright… it seems Image line have taken version 9/10 and thought hey lets make this program even more user un-friendly than Cubase, lets make it even more tedious to do simple things like select a load of notes and copy them…

The piano roll is a complete joke too, the whole sliding notes thing doesnt seem to work very well and just ends up making your melodies sound like ****, on top of that the default key press is set to C5 which is ridiculously high, its also very complex to try and change this to a lower octave…

The final piece of this gigantic failure is the variouse latency issues, you will find certain plugins fall behind in time, your midi keyboard will fall behind in time and if you lower your buffer settings, everything will be in time but everything will sound like cack.

This is a sequencer really best avoided, and still no ‘simple’ sidechaining functions wat a truly awfull awfull piece of kit, this really makes me appreciate Ableton.