Track I made from the Deep House Tut

So I used most of the drums and altered some things here and there and probably came no where close to mastering or sounding as good… but still making progress I think… this site is definitely keeping me moving forward… good stuff guys, keep the great tuts coming.

Hopslam by Sneaky

Hey Joe

I really enjoyed that. Good arrangement with enough changes to keep my ear interested all the way through.

I did think that the last 8 bars with the sparse elements in needs work. The fade out/filter out is fine but the bass tones underneath are really dull (in a sound sense) and bring the end of the track down emotionally, if you see what I mean. I’d change or drop them so that they’re not so obvious with just the beats sitting on top of them.

Thanks for having a listen and providing good criticism, ending definitely needs more work :slight_smile:

I’m not keen on the bass it really doesn’t seem to sit right. Maybe an off beat bass will give it just the life it needs. The perc sounds nice and it has all the right elements

Thanks Nina, good point I will try playing with the release and/or note lengths cause the bass does carry on abit much in places causing some tempo issues.

With the few deep tracks i have done for my mates it’s often been hard to get the bass just right. As it has to still be that nice deep sound but still needs to catch attention and not drone on.

Half the fun can be finding that right sound :smiley:

Fixed some things, pretty content with it for now…