Track Walkthroughs - Bryan Kearney - All Over Again Ft. Plumb Dark Dub / 1320

hello where can i find the kick ?
such a awesome kick

Hi there and welcome aboard on the forums ! :sunglasses:

Just a note on “Walkthrough” courses first :

This is an artist released track wlaktrhough, so copytrighted material, that’s why there’s no samples, presets or project files are available as course’s resources downloads.

For the kick in this track, the tutor mentioned that’s it’s likely from a sample pack :

Check Tutorial 02-KICK at 1:04 time frame.

Unity Samples Vol.5 you can purchase Unity Recorsd samples from Loopmasters.

Hope this helps ! :sunglasses:


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I absolutely adore and admire the simplicity of Bryans productions. He knows how to make people dance on the dancefloor after so many years Dj’ing and observing the crowd. No fancy fiff faff, FX etc just stuff that actually works on the dancefloor which matter the most. He’s said in interviews he made this while travelling on his laptop!

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I think the pack he uses here is the Dave Parkinson House essentials V1 pack.