Tracks you'll never stop Lovin

this is one track i’ll still be listening to when they carry me away to the old peoples home FDV6 the Music-Video - YouTube

phil if you do a sound like nick Larson tutorial i’ll love you forever

Mine - Nerva - Modo VII, Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar, Omni Trio - Haunted Kind.

Also Fade to Black by Metallica, I hate Everything about you by Three Days Grace and The Vengaboys -The Vengabus is Coming… ok that last one was a lie

[quote]bouffont (3/29/2009)[hr]Mine - Nerva - Modo VII, Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar, Omni Trio - Haunted Kind.

Also Fade to Black by Metallica, I hate Everything about you by Three Days Grace and The Vengaboys -The Vengabus is Coming… ok that last one was a lie[/quote]

i know the last one is a lie lol. you know if you hear that track you’ll be humming it for and hour after :smiley:

top draw stuff with the Energy 52 remix