Traktor Kontrol X1

I went to digital village and bought a Traktor Kontrol X1 yesterday and I am loving it. I use time control vinyl, for me it is still the most fun way of playing - I tried using a digital controller before and it just doesn’t cut it for me, but using the control vinyl with the X1 is brilliant.

Obviously I have been going made using hot cues, turning every track into a 15 minute anthem soaked in effects, but that is what you have to do to learn these things. I also like that when I play real records I can use the effects section on the X1.

Here are a couple of photos:


Man I was totally against digital controllers but wanted to keep up with the technology so bought an 1D. Is cool but I didn’t like the fact I had to map all the controls etc.

Bought a 1D and it so much better, so seamless. So good that I had to have another :smiley: I have I now have 2 x1s and have moved mainly to digital now

If you had asked me 12 months ago about ditching vinyl would off of said … off lol

Because of the x1 I’m now thinking maschine :slight_smile:

Nice vestax btw. Used to have one myself. I miss those kill switches

[quote]Mussi81 (25/03/2011)[hr]Nice vestax btw. Used to have one myself. I miss those kill switches[/quote]

LOL - That is exactly what any DJ worth his salt says!

I kind of want to go the DJM-900 and CDJ2000 route, but my wife, understandably, has said that I can’t have 2 1210s, 2 CDJ2000 and a mixer out in the livingroom so it would mean putting the 1210s away and I can’t do that.

I went to Digital village to pick up the X1 and there was a maschine there so I had a quick demo. I learned two things. One is that it needs a lot of time invested to use it properly. And two, I am going to buy one of those bad boys.

I’m sure I’m a minority but I don’t see the point in cdj’s. CDs will be outdated soon and cdj’s are too expensive.

To everyone djing has changed, it’s not about matching your bpms anymore, it’s about being creative in new ways and using different methods, and traktor allows you to do that :slight_smile:

I know what you mean, I just want it all. CDJs are fun to play and on the rare occation I play out I don’t really like setting up Traktor unless they have the multi core already on the mixer.

I also find DJs looking at their laptops whilst DJing a big turn off. In FM it has a picture of the Dubfire DJ setup and if you were in the crowd you would see three laptops with maybe the odd glimps of the DJ behind.

I got a X1 last summer and thought there was no way I would stop playing on turntables but after having used it extensively realized it a great replacement especially due to the fact most clubs/bars/parties usually have messed up turntables or they’re not set up correctly, you don’t have to worry about needles, plugging in the tables to the audio 8, calibrating and etc. the list could go on… also nice to just be able to set up in a small amount of space and get going right away, so yea I am a fan of it, and 2 of my good friends use 2 of them with the Maschine which you can do some really interesting things with, one being Kyle Geiger which I believe most of his latest sets have been made this way, check him out if you like Techno.

Ha ha I’d say dubfire is a lazy c***

hawtin does ok!

There is more time to interact with the crowd with traktor I’d say, but I’m no pro lol

Yes, it is possible to get it right, but lots don’t.

We’ve got people coming round tonight so am going to play music at them, over using the hot cues and effects, for at least 8 hours. Which is nice.

Btw your mrs is really cool letting you have your decks set up like that! I’ve been banished to the loft lol

[quote]Mussi81 (25/03/2011)[hr]Ha ha I’d say dubfire is a lazy c***

hawtin does ok!

There is more time to interact with the crowd with traktor I’d say, but I’m no pro lol[/quote]

Seeing Dubfire at the Detroit Electronic Music Festival was one the best sets ever… so I’d say he does better than ok