hey guys im really sorry if this is in the wrong thread and if so then feel free to move it ti the appropriate place but im having a problem with my traktor pro, i recently got a numark omni control and traktor le and then upgraded to pro pretty much straight away , anyway the problem im having is when i go into traktor pro and use the explorer to go to my file of tunes from track it down when i load a tune into deck A lets call it tune 1, i then try and load tune 2 into deck B and tune 3 into deck C etc, i do all this but all the decks just come up with the same info as in deck A, so in essence for some reason i have the same tune on all 4 decks and i cant figure out what this is or why its doing it?
i realise this is probably so stupidly easy im just not seeing it, but any help i could get to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.
thanks a lot guys.
Alright Carl-tel,
Hows it goin?
Iv recently started using Traktor myself,
Im no expert or anything but il try help ya out.
Just check and see is the button your are using to select the track to a deck and make sure its not mapped to “Duplicate deck A”(or somethin along those lines) seems like the most obvious thing i can think of.
Let me know if that works
can you drag the different tracks in ok? is just selecting them through the omni control?
It could be your mapping template is slightly different in traktor pro compared to traktor le.
if you could give a bit more info maybe i could help further.
have you checked for the latest downloads for the omni control?
I have noticed this happening to myself before and for me it was an easy mistake to correct. When you select a playlist it will highlight every song in that playlist and if you try and click and drag the song it will load the first song in the playlist. so just make sure your have a the single song selected => hope this helped