SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
This is completely finished,Feedback good or bad welcome.
Hi mate, hope you’re well?
Okay, just listened to your track and it sounds very well put together but it didnt really do it for me. It stayed on the same level of energy throughout so I wasn’t able to get excited about it so I think 8 mins is too long.
I really like the elements that are in it though, I think the hat could do with brightening up a little and maybe try adding a vocal or something to change it up a bit.
I suppose it all depends what kind of environment you’ve produced the track to be played in…
Cheers for your input,I listened to that track aswell,some nice sounds and quite like the vocal.I agree with what you are sayin,maybe keep workin on it and change the arrangement around a bit.Thanks again.
I agree with what Enigma was saying. I think it’s sounds awesome but that energy level never gets frantic. That might be exactly what you are going for though. It reminds me of older stuff by, I think, Push if my memory serves me.