Hey admins
just signed up as a subscriber but should have given it more thought as i paid full price for the Ableton course a couple weeks back - doh!
Is there any plans to release the subscriber videos for download in the near future? I’ve just spent nearly an hour trying to view the trance videos online and it kept failing to give me video, audio only.
It’s now working fine but it would be handy to be able to access these offline. Can you also look into having a timeline on your videos rather than rewind\fast forward?
i’ve noticed the trance ones don’t even have play or stop buttons, maybe it’s my quicktime, but its the latest version. anyone else have this problem?
there’s no plans in the near future to offer subscribers downloadable copies. Unfortunately we currently have no method of restricting these downloads to subscribers only.
the videos you are watching online however do have a time line, what browser are you using and what version of quicktime?
Hi bry
thanks for the response, all seems to be ok now - must of had a bad day with my connection. i use firefox as i find it the most stable browser
no problem