Translating logic to ableton live

so, i am going through the complextro tutorial and i am a bit confused on how chris is doing drums in logic. it appears he is using ultrabeat for some parts, which i assume is like drum rack? i am not sure. but then he uses the ex24 which seems to be some kind of a sampler, similar to, well, sampler on ableton. the big difference seems to be that you can run different samples in the same ex24. I don’t think ableton has anything equivalent. should i just be using drum racks for these percussion sounds?br

Yeah drum racks is just a bit more versatile and easier to use than
if you need to pitch a sample you can just stick it in a simpler.

that makes sense. but why use the esx24 for some of the drum sounds?br

Ultrabeat is a drum synth where as EXS24 is a sampler. EXS24 is very much aimed at the samples market with layering, zones and in editing of the samples. Ultrabeat is very much designed as a drum machine with on board synthesis. You can manipulate each sample in UB with distortion, lfo’s, eq’s and envelope’s and also, you can’t map a drum sound across serval keys except for the last slot and there are only 25 slots available - whereas EXS24, you can only manipulate an overall kit - and have no on board synthesis, but can map and layer sounds with ease. So if I wish to edit individual drum samples and need something quick I use UB, building a kit or indeed sampling sounds that need mapped across a keyboard I use ESX24. Hope this helps.

it helps a little but i am trying to figure out how to map this to ableton. so, for instance, the zones. the sampler in ableton doesn’t seem to have zones. so right now i am actually working on the bass parts of complextro and the only way i can think of doing something similar to what you did with exs24 is to put the samples into a drum rack. otherwise, i don’t know how to associate a key with a specific sample in ableton. if anybody has any ideas i would love to hear them. :)br

doh! nevermind. sampler does have zones! i should learn to use google before i