Tutorial: how to save a project for use on other computer (Live 8)


Could you make a tutorial on how to save your project so it is always complete and will work fine on a other computer? Maybe also nice to learn how to put it online (soundcloud,…) or upload the project to a dropbox, mobileme,… so folks can work with my stuff. A way to share a project, in short.

Are you sing Ableton or Logic or something else as the process will be different for each DAW.

For Ableton sharing and exporting your project is easy enough. First, open your project or set.

In the FILE menu there’s an option to MANAGE FILES. Click on it and window will open on the right side of your screen. You’ll see a tab called PACKING, click on that and it’ll take you through the process to export the SET/PROJECT as a LIVE PACK meaning it can be installed and used on other machines.

Note though that, if the other machine doesn’t have the same plug ins installed on it, they will be missing when it’s opened.

Also there can be issues in which version of Live 8 you and the other person use - as I think Ableton latest version is 8.23 (not checked) and is not backward compatable in many cases