Hi Guys!
I’ve just bought the ULTIMATE DRUMS PACK right now but I don’t understand how to download it … I moved to “My Account - DOWNLOAD” but I can’t see any reference for downloading ((
Could you explain to me how I can download the ULTIMATE DRUMS PACK?!!
Thank you in advance ASAP!!
Hi Guys!
I downloaded the Ultimate Pack.
But I don’t understand your “Install Guide” … E.G. I open the folder ULTIMATE DRUMS - Progressive, there I see a number of folders having AIF files with Claps, Kicks … etc. Also there is a “UD Progressive Logic Kits” which I don’t need because I work in Ableton. So I open another folder “UD Progressive DrumRacks” where I find the file “UD Progressive DrumRacks.als” which I open in Ableton … BUT the Kit doesn’t work - This opened Drum Rack have indication of the Kicks, Hats, Claps, etc … but they are disabled!!((
COULD YOU PLS EXPLAIN ME what I should do to have the Drum Rack work?!
Thanking you in advance by return ASAP!!
Warm regards,
5.8 Locating Missing Files
If you load a Live Set, Live Clip or preset that references samples which are missing from their referenced locations, Live’s Status Bar (located at the bottom of the main screen) will display a warning message. Clips and instrument sample slots that reference missing samples will appear marked Ofine, and Live will play silence instead of the missing samples.br
Live’s File Manager offers tools for repairing these missing links. Click on the Status Bar message to access these. (This is actually a shortcut for choosing the Manage Files command from the File menu, clicking the Manage Set button, and then clicking the Locate button found in the Missing Files section.) The File Manager will present you with a list of the missing samples and associated controls.br
Select the folder you want to search (Ableton kit folder) and hit search it should reconnect all the samplesbr
I’ve just downloaded ultimate drums and have a similar question. The “install guide” folder that you find in every pack is only for mac users.
What is the problem? You can’t load the kits in ableton?
Thanks for quick answer. Sorry I explained very bad. I am using windows and I was wondering if the “install guide” folder only is applicable for mac. It seems to be a DS-store file. br
What I’m really looking for in my perspective is to have a smart shortcut to the drum racks from the ableton browser. I thought that maybe the “install guide” would fix that, but I couldn’t open it in windows. br