In this Sonic Academy compression extravaganza, we will show you the full shebang starting with what compression does, the controls, how to apply it, using compression to get effects such as parallel, ducking and the all important side-chaining compression effect.
On the ratio video, I am getting a strange glitch where the video starts and I can hear the talking, but then a second later the talking starts again so I can hear two voices at different times.
Nice one
nice tutorial !
Not Bad
That intro song though…
Great Introduction
Unfortunately I’m not that impressed.
Moving on to the specifics of how to use the compression on the drums I could see you knew what you were doing, but you weren’t really imparting that knowledge; you were plugging numbers in, but I had no idea why those were the right numbers, and I don’t really feel much the wiser.
Tiny, tiny, almost single-sentence “tutorials” that explain nothing.
nice, this is exactly what was lookn for …!
Compress everything!
It’s good for starting point
Love this!
Like to course but the changing throughout DAWs was odd and felt disjointed/unorganized. Hope that at some point you all would revisit and invest in dedicating to one or a mini-series per DAW.