**update ana v1.01 out now**

Download now from your MY Account page.

Sonic Academy ANA Version History

ANA 1.01


Optimisation of Presets and 32 bit Plugin should give most users better CPU usage.


Fixed 32bit plugin issues on x64 machine

Fixed x64 Crashes when selecting categories

Fixed GUI closing bug

Saving license file to desktop will be automatically picked up when YES is clicked on registration


Fixed Modulation Wheel bug causing crashes when assigned to filters

Fixed GUI closing Bug

Cheers mate.

Just to let you know that the installer window still says it’s 1.0.

[quote]Roben (01/03/2012)[hr]

Just to let you know that the installer window still says it’s 1.0.


…and unless my update installation was unsuccessful, so does the plugin itself…

Yeah we are aware of this… its definitely 1.01 we just missed updating the numbers

mine says just 1 as well. you can tell it has updated becoz there is extra presets though

Ah it’s no biggie, it’s only a useless bit of visual information anyways :wink: :smiley: