Looking for feedback on the mixdown and anything else that you feel like adding guys.br
I’ve been struggling with EQ and freq splitting lately, but I think this is a better example of how to do it right… I hope.br
iframe width=“100%” height=“166” scrolling=“no” frameborder=“no” src=“https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F85792243%3Fsecret_token%3Ds-hODbH”/iframe
Anyone got any mixdown feedback on this one? Anything sounding harsh to you or too heavily EQ’ed?br
Thought maybe the kick could use a little more subby weight, it seems a little ‘light’.br
And perhaps some more snap from the clap/snare, it’s not quite prominent enough in the mix for my tastes.br
Think perhaps too much stuff is panned or spread a little too wide in the mix? Seems to be a little bit of a gap between the centre and the widest part of the mix?
Thanks David, they’re all good things for me to check. I’ll take a look at them.
Not satisfied how the kick and bass are sitting in the mix.br
Although you are correct in not taking a big long tailed kick when you have long note bass playing, it’s as if it’s not really glue-ing.br
Maybe you can post 2 pics from the frequency spectrum of the kick and bass?br
Possibly you can have another look at the main frequencies of the two and duck them in the other. And have another try with some other settings on the compressor.
Thanks for listening mate. About a week ago I changed over the kick completely and also bussed the new kick and bass together to add some NY compression. Hopefully they gel better now. I’ve just reposted the amended track.br
I can see the sweat dripping down the walls listening to this one already. lolbr
Love the use of the “stuttered kick” for want of a better phrase, really gives the track its main groove.br
Didn’t hear the original mix but this sound good,br
The lower end is all there for me but id like a bit more “crack” in the higher frequencies,br
Don’t ask me how to achieve that tho.br
Im sure I would struggle to mix this in some clubs as there is not enough bite in the mid/high drum area to latch on to while mixing. (but that’s just how I mix) br
I do like it tho,br
The groove is instant.br
real nice when it gets into it, good job
Enjoyed that, definately has a nice sound to it. The one suggestion I would have is that the sound introduced at 3:30 comes in abruptly, might be nice to tweak its entry? br
Something more subtle without it being obvious just for that extra bit of cohesion throughout the whole track.