Velocity settings in Midi clip

When setting up a clip for example for a Kick, I have simply clicked on the clip or used the draw tool - job done (all the same velocity settings)

But tonight it seems to be calculating the velocity setting from my mouse click wieght?

Now Ive noticed this when recording cords through my midi controller keyboard but never on my mouse.

Have I inadvertently hit a weird short cut or is this the norm?


Are you in draw mode? When you are in draw mode and you click in a note, hold down your mouse button, and move your mouse pointer up and down, it increases the velocity of the note.

either that or your mouse is just screwing with you :stuck_out_tongue:

I never heard of velocity sensitive mouse so its probably what Howie said.

Unless you have a really fancy midi mouse (which I am not sure even exist) it must be one off the above

yes seems strange…

did you get a new mouse?

I want that mouse !!! :w00t:

It’s a Mickey Mouse! :smiley:

Gold :smiley:

Ok oK …It was a late night …my eyes were bleeding;)

I started in draw mode but then went to mouse mode

Then realised that the velocities were all diff…I guess what Bryan said was probably the case