Video tutorials not playing

Last 20 minutes or so videos wont play.

Hi there and welcome to the forums ! :sunglasses:

Could you please point us to a link for the tutorial and video number you’re having this issue with ?

Thx :wink:

Hi last two i just watched
Different Uses for Multiband Compression wont play
Tech Tips Volume 58 with Dirty Secretz wont play know either

Player error

The player is having trouble. We’ll have it back up and running as soon as possible.

In fact any random video i just clicked into wont play either, all i get is the spnning wheel

Hi again
Seems to working again now

1 Like

No issue to playback Different Uses for Multiband Compression here.

Same for Tech Tips Volume 58 with Dirty Secretz the video is playing back without issue and full length.

Haven’t yet check back all 10 videos in this course, but seems to be no issue.

Seems this might be some buffering issue on your end.

Hopefully it will be OK now :+1: Try refreshing the page if it happens again, but yeah, looks like buffering issue, the content itself is OK.