Viewing the tutorials

Guys, can someone tell me how to rewind the tutorials? Its very easy to miss something and I cant seem to find any controls to do this.

Also the playback is very glitchy. After every 5 of 10 seconds, playback will stop for about 2 seconds, everything stops but when it continues again it has skipped forward in time. I can try this in another browser, but I think it is a bandwitdh issue. I am on a 20meg connection, and it has been like this at 3am and now at 1pm so traffic should not be a problem.

Any ideas?

sounds like your processor is just having a little trouble playing it.

are you pc / mac, and what is your processor speed.

try using firefox, it can be a little more stable on computers that can’t quite keep up!

are you talking about streaming the tutorials from the site or the downloadable ones?


Hi, and thanks for the reply…My processor should be ok, I have a quad core…I have found out that if I just pause the video for about 10 minutes it is ok. So it must be a streaming issue. Normally when streaming on youruber or whereever I would not have to do this, or for not nearly as long.

But no problem at all, this is a great site.

However can you get back to me about rewinding or having any control at all over the playback of the stream?

ah, yes we are working on getting the streaming faster at the minute.

as for the controls. if you are running Quicktime as your browser plugin then there is a scroll bar at the bottom of the streaming page that will let you move back and forward in time.
