2 bits of help need.
Firstly where and how to get or make nice vocal hits or. accapella. Royality free or packs would be cool. I tried the vengeance ones but not really what Im looking for
Next how do I achieve the sort of thing with the vocal that dubfire has done, example in his recent release rabid
here is a link - vocal are about 1min and 20 secs in
- YouTube
Any help and guides would be great,
it sounds like there are two vocal traks playing.
one regulasr or pitched down and the second one is pitched up a couple of cents
also the second is sitting more in the back of the main vocal
then put some reverb on the vocals and you might get something close to it
if you have a decent mic you could probably get some basic stuff you wanted.
watch the funky house tutorial thats on the site. bryan does all the vocals himself and it turns out pretty good. hope this helps:)
First off, you can record them yourself. Get a microphone and record your voice into it. You can get some great stuff on your own.
For the Dubfire track, you can put a tube on it to add some color and like Tommy said, pitch it down. There is also a fair bit of reverb on the vocals there. and some panning done on there as an effect.
there are some people out there that write vocals for sale, i.e. you can use them but need to give royalty to the the person who does the vocals obviously.
ive definitely been in touch with one person that does this so i can only assume there are more!
apart from that i haven’t come across any sample pack vocals that have been useable.
try grabbing an acapella and distorting it beyond recognition, and use that!
hey steve, check out loopmasters. they have old movie dialogue samples that i think might work for what you want
Cheers thats awesome, I just find vocal a right pain in the arse, it just not easy to get them to sit nicely in the mix.