Hello guys, I’ve been using some vocals samples in my productions, I’m having some tricky fun trying to warp them without making them sound so… warped?
The track is at 128 and the vocals are 135 using Ableton Live 8. Once loading the vocal in I’m manually setting the BPM of the vocal from double clicking the wav sample to 135 (the original BPM). I then click “Warp” to remove and click it again. This sets the BPM to 128, but its still not in time so I use warp markers (very badly) to try and fix it. Is there a better way to do this? I’m using vocals more and more now but get slightly frustrated with how they turn out sometimes, maybe due to the techniques that I’m using??? Please help!
This is how the track has turned out so far, same vocals for now (boring!) but no point in going thorough the pain of doing more, you can hear some discrepancies, let me know what you think so far anyway…