Warping with Live 8

I’m just trying to get to grips with DJing in Live 8

Anyway I’ve done the training videos but when I load a track I dont seem to get the yellow movable Warp Marker displaying “1” that the tutor seems to be getting. Also when I try and move it, it drags the whole waveform as oppose to positioning the marker on the waveform.

Please advise what is going on here?

To move the yellow marker without moving the sound, hold down shift at the same time. To manually realign the start marker for warping, double click to add a warp marker on the first beat you want to warp from, right click, then select ‘Warp from here’ or ‘Warp from here (Straight)’ - whichever produces the best results.


check out the tech tip on warping in live 8, this should explain the updates since live 6!

Hi thanks for that, i’m not sure where I view that video - tbh I would have expected them to keep their videos up to date!
