I just purchased ANA 2.5, two days ago. For many of the factory presets, unfortunately the waveforms are missing. I have seen other support topics here about this, but none helped unfortunately.
For example, the preset selected on the screenshot “Distorted Aucustic” should have a wav file “DUSTY GUITAR - C.WAV”. I have searched through all the folders in “C:\ProgramData\Sonic Academy\ANA 2\Waves”, and the file does not exist there. It seems to be the same problem for all the presets where the waveforms don’t exist, they actually don’t exist on my PC.
I’ve tried reinstalling ANA two times extra, did not help.
Can you please help me out here? Maybe send me all the waveforms?
Hi there and sorry for the delayed reply over the weekend.
This is a Slate Digital preset, so the missing samples or waveforms won’t get installed with the Sonic Academy version.
What you need to do to fix this is to 1st reinstall the Slate Digital version in order to reinstall their content and then just reinstall the Sonic Academy version on top of the Slate Digital version.
You don’t need to open your DAW and launch ANA 2 in between, just download and install the Slate Digital version first and then download and install the Sonic Academy version.
You can download the Slate Digital version from their Installers Page ( you will need to login with your Slate Digital credentials in order to download ).
I thought you previously had access to ANA 2 through a Slate Digital subscription to be honest.
I want to put a disclaimer on this :
While this solution works, you should inquire with Slate Digital if you are allowed to use their ANA 2 presets and content without having an active subscription with them.
Their content is likely copyrighted since it’s their own waveform & presets creation ( like ours ) and you could run into some copyright infringement using their content without an active subscription.
Many people are not paying enough attention to the way they acquire presets or audio samples, just be aware that you could get into issues if you do not have the permission to use such content.
So while it’s a solution to fix issues for existing Slate Digital subscribers who decided to purchase a license for ANA 2 from Sonic Academy, this is definitely not something we encourage to do if you do not own a subscription with Slate Digital.
Hi Tekalight.
Thanks for your clarification and fair warning.
I definitely understand that you have thought that I had a Slate Digital subscriptions since these presets were in my ANA 2.
But no, I had never had it installed through Slate Digital before.
I must therefore point out that I find it rather strange then that Sonic Academy’s ANA 2 install comes with presets from Slate Digital, but missing wave files, if we are not intended to have access to those presets.
Might very well be this actually, hence just having the presets but missing waveforms since they were never installed with the Slate Digital installer, that would make sense.