Welcome newbie mervyn

Well am mervyn am second time round on sonic academy still it was along gap since i came back but am not a classical trained musician or play instrument i need help i have watched the beginners tutorials but dont know how to get started i used to practice by slice to single sample i own the sampler with ableton and ski beatz tutorial on you tube but i always come stuck i get aloop but dont know what to do with it add parts or how part co exsit i know the basic ins and out of ableton but can not do what i want to do i have watched hours of tutorials but have not started to make my own from them i tryed the scale and cord plugin but the hotswap the names was not changing on the presets like it was in the tutorials i dont know how to use the ovd but i have time i hope and patient if anyone of the tutors can help i would welcome it or subscribers

[quote]mervyn (02/10/2012)[hr]Well am mervyn am second time round on sonic academy still it was along gap since i came back but am not a classical trained musician or play instrument i need help i have watched the beginners tutorials but dont know how to get started i used to practice by slice to single sample i own the sampler with ableton and ski beatz tutorial on you tube but i always come stuck i get aloop but dont know what to do with it add parts or how part co exsit i know the basic ins and out of ableton but can not do what i want to do i have watched hours of tutorials but have not started to make my own from them i tryed the scale and cord plugin but the hotswap the names was not changing on the presets like it was in the tutorials i dont know how to use the ovd but i have time i hope and patient if anyone of the tutors can help i would welcome it or subscribers[/quote]

Hi Mervyn

welcome back to the site.

if you are getting confused with things i would suggest going back to basics and learning the layout of Ableton again - then moving on from there to the more advanced stuff