What are you listening to lately?

I remember some other boards I used to be on did this, and since we’re about music I thought it might be a good idea. just put up a song you’ve been playing a lot lately, can be anything not just EDM.

Interpol’s one of my favorite bands, and I like this song a lot: pretty relaxing too.

Great idea for a thread - though the song sounds you much like the stuff I used to listen too back before the invention of Cds = not saying that is a bad thing just an observation :slight_smile:

Listened to this album the other day - probably as old as some as our members

Oh please watch this video and listen to the lyrics they are very good


ive been listening to Ad Nauseum by Derek and Clive

you (/NT


Been listenIng to Luke Abbott on border community and Traversable wormhole on clr