What do you do?

hi guys

just wondering what you do for a living? are you in full time employment?, do you go to college? are you a full time dj or producer?

im a field service engineer for ophthalmic products

I’m a Student these days.

Was a Manager in a Phone Company for a good few years. Total change in direction for me.

Thats the one good thing about the recession - chance to do something different. We moved when we had our kid, so things still looked good on the job front when we arrived… but theres nothing like a year on the dole to help you make a few life choices.

4 year course - hoping to go into the Social side of things when I’m let loose.

Prospects for a job seem to be pretty good. We’ll see if we have a country left after all the cutbacks though. before we start worring about future employment. I mightn’t have to bother! LOL :hehe:

what course are you doing?

ive tried to have a change in directions many times but im still in this industry after 13 years but ive worked my way into a fairly good position so its cool and it pays the mortgage and my s.a subs

I always wanted to be a Sound Engineer & just found myself in my Career at the end of the day. Mortgages / Kids blah,blah,blah - XX years go by very quickly.

Still - wouldnt change anything. No regrets. Just want to use my time as wisely as possible. Work to Live - not Live to Work. Thats always been my motto, but guess I really mean it now! LOL

Ah no… I’ve v.lucky that I got the chance to change. I saw a guy on a Train one day with Grey hair - commuting… probably about 60 years old - still working. I thought to myself that I didnt want to end up like that Guy.

So that was how I woke up… Then we moved.

Its a degree in Social Care. Pretty interesting. Get to do all sorts… Sociology, Psychology etc… and go on placement to different places. Been a little slow this year, but generally not too boring at all. Its a very wide field. :D

[quote]ICN (19/10/2010)[hr]I always wanted to be a Sound Engineer & just found myself in my Career at the end of the day. Mortgages / Kids blah,blah,blah - XX years go by very quickly.

Still - wouldnt change anything. No regrets. Just want to use my time as wisely as possible. Work to Live - not Live to Work. Thats always been my motto, but guess I really mean it now! LOL

Ah no… I’ve v.lucky that I got the chance to change. I saw a guy on a Train one day with Grey hair - commuting… probably about 60 years old - still working. I thought to myself that I didnt want to end up like that Guy.

So that was how I woke up… Then we moved.

Its a degree in Social Care. Pretty interesting. Get to do all sorts… Sociology, Psychology etc… and go on placement to different places. Been a little slow this year, but generally not too boring at all. Its a very wide field. :D[/quote]

man i thought you were doing a music/production type course

I have just started a 2 year course in music technology at college, main reason I have taken it is because they teach synthesis and I get to find out abit more about the business side of things, the rest of it seems to be made up of thngs I already know so it’s a abit of a walk in the park!

[quote]Mussi81 (19/10/2010)[hr]man i thought you were doing a music/production type course[/quote]

I ****ing Wish!!

Self employed corporate business development contractor, DJ & producer!

done a music college course of reason 2.5 back in 2003 but didnt last long… to much partying!!! lol

Love being self employed as it give me a lot a flexibility however when I busy I’M BUSY… like now… shouldnt be on here lol

Prior to the financial **** up I was a recruitment consultant for a financial services recruitment company covered Life & Pensions, Investments, Retail and Corporate Banking… that was hard work

I’m an IT consultant specialising in Microsoft hosting technologies

Freelance journalist, though I have been known to do sys admin and web-design in my time.

I’m a full-time web developer for AAA (American Automobile Association) for you foreigners. It pays great and a cool place to work. Its allowing me to save so that I can start dj/producing fulltime. A few more months and I am gunna be good 2 go. :smiley:

I live on my mom’s basement and all I do is play video games and pick up on chicks from MySpace.

[quote]J.HiZ (19/10/2010)[hr]I live on my mom’s basement and all I do is play video games and pick up on chicks from MySpace.[/quote]

The perfect career :slight_smile:

I beg outside tesco’s twice a week !:slight_smile:

[quote]UnitedVision (19/10/2010)[hr]I’m a full-time web developer for AAA (American Automobile Association) for you foreigners. It pays great and a cool place to work. Its allowing me to save so that I can start dj/producing fulltime. A few more months and I am gunna be good 2 go. :D[/quote]

awesome! the internet is a great way of meeting like minded desperate women :slight_smile:

Just started a 2 year advanced Digital Musician course which is pretty good. Also starting working voluntary for a local company who teach 11-19yr olds qualifications in media, like film, music, animation, photography, etc.

Been doing voluntary work for Tilllate.com for over 3 years as well, not to mention voluntary for local DAB radio which i’ve been doing for 5 years.

I do like working voluntary as its great experience, is enjoyable and looks great on the CV lol.

Looking for part time work just to help pay the bills but not actually having much luck with that.

Im a quality manager for an engineering company that produces springs for railways and aircraft.

Wow… Its really interesting reading all these.

We’re a right ****ing random bunch. It would be gas if there was a Doctor, or a Lawyer or Policeman or something. Did I read that there was someone in the RAF here the other day? Mad.

Imagine if someone in the Taliban was following the RAF Guy on Soundcloud :hehe:

Its a crazy ****ing small world we live in Chaps.

Keep 'em coming :slight_smile:

[quote]mejaques_uk@hotmail.com (19/10/2010)[hr]Im a quality manager for an engineering company that produces springs for railways and aircraft.[/quote]


[quote]mejaques_uk@hotmail.com (19/10/2010)[hr]Im a quality manager for an engineering company that produces springs for railways and aircraft.[/quote]


Looking at your Avatar Mate… I’ve always thought of you as living in Devon or Kent or something, drinking beer in your garden all day long :smiley: