What does the word Grate mean

Ive seen this word used a couple times, just wondering if anyone knows its exact definition, im thinking maybe its a british term?

The book, The Secrets of House Production, uses this term alot, its a really good book too for anyone looking for dance production techniques

“When EQing always favour cuts over boosts. Cuts sound more natural and boosts can, when stacked, grate.

Grate is what you do when you rub something… like cheese… against a grater.

Imagine if you ear was made out of cheese for a moment. Your ear may look like this if a horrible sound grated.

oh ok, yummm

I think its more like when your grating cheese and you catch your knuckle!

[quote]ICN (21/03/2012)[hr]Grate is what you do when you rub something… like cheese… against a grater.

Imagine if you ear was made out of cheese for a moment. Your ear may look like this if a horrible sound grated.


Did not know that.

In that case my damn dog is always grating my damn leg.

Don’t own a pair of pants that aren’t white from the knees down.