Hey guys,
Im seventeen years old and ive been in love with music all my life, and ive recently dedicated my money and time to learning music production, ive sold my xbox :/, Tv’s, my car and basically used that money to buy me some synths, software, speakers, etc (its hard to find a job in California
and ive dedicated many hours to music production having 1 hour of school helps! thats fine i know there must be sacrifices but im having issues with family acceptance they want me to pursue another dream considering my academical talent but i don’t like that stuff i wanna make music! And it feels great to be part of this community were people share knowledge and im able to express my musical needs…Well sorry for writing too much…My question to you guys is have you given up alot of things and have you had people not accept the route you’ve picked in life?
Thanks guys!
Now i gotta go make money to pay for next month!
Ask them for bus fare to Sillicone Valley to pursue your carrear in adult films, then allow them to convince you out of it, on the proviso that they don’t hassle you about your music.
[quote]bouffont (25/03/2010)[hr]Ask them for bus fare to Sillicone Valley to pursue your carrear in adult films, then allow them to convince you out of it, on the proviso that they don’t hassle you about your music.[/quote]
Ahahahahah this might be the best thing i ever heard!
sam (floating points) does his music, helps run a label and works on a cure for finding aids at ucl, you dont have to give everything up for music production
a lot of people just don’t go out on friday nights to do it, i find if i have all day to do something i sometimes produce nothing but if i have only 20 mins before i have to go out i can get a lot of a song done
[quote]Subject 1 (25/03/2010)[hr]Hey guys,
Im seventeen years old and ive been in love with music all my life,![/quote]
So not long then
(lol jokes)
[quote]Subject 1 (25/03/2010)[hr] but im having issues with family acceptance they want me to pursue another dream considering my academical talent but i don’t like that stuff i wanna make music! And it feels great to be part of this community were people share knowledge and im able to express my musical needs…Well sorry for writing too much…My question to you guys is have you given up alot of things and have you had people not accept the route you’ve picked in life?
Thanks guys!
Now i gotta go make money to pay for next month!
Yeah sure, when i lived at home with my mum she always told me to sell my decks because they were ‘pointless’ and ‘i could use the money for something else’, however I proved her wrong in the long run.
I now DJ regularly and even teach it.
I still get a bit of jip over my production but i’m out to prove people wrong and get stuff signed.
Thing is there will always be people out there to knock you down or not support you, but just use it as strength to prove them wrong.
If people didn’t take risks in life where would we be? Businesses would never have been developed, Empires would never have been built, Mountains would never have been climbed.
Once upon a time someone laughed at Christopher Columbus and his ideas and goals, he went on to prove them all wrong.
Follow your dreams, listen to your heart.
HOWEVER - Remember don’t forget that they’re only saying these things because they care about your future and you should ALWAYS have a backup plan if your music goals goes all tits up.
Look at Judge Jules, he has a degree in Law.
I got a job in a pro audio department of music store… was a great place to try new gear meet other “heads” and when it was quiet make “demos” (my own tracks)
So yeah you dont need to block everything else out of your life.
Its also next to impossible to make any kind of decent living making dance tunes