What I would like from sonic academy

Can we please have a HTSL Dom Sweeten(Defective Audio) and can we have it in ableton, the reason I ask for ableton is that I want to learn it inside out till I everything there is to know about it and that this is my chosen genre!

Here are some examples of what I would like.

And here are some examples of what I am doing at the moment so you know where I need to rise my game!

<EMBED height=225 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=“100%” src=http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fboneidolhardhouse-nrg&amp;secret_url=false allowscriptaccess=“always”> Latest tracks by boneidolhardhouse/nrg

I will be making this request everyday till I get a due date or when the video comes out, this is day 2 by the way.

I may be in a minority on this but look at this vote http://forums.sonicacademy.com/Topic15226-10-1.aspx and you will see that cubase and logic are the minority there yet you still seem to be hell bent on putting cubase and Logic before ableton these days!


