What is your personal favorite spectrum analyzer?

Whats your fave frequency spectrum analyzer? Im noticing things slacking with logics analyzer! So really what do you use?

Just downloaded this Voxengo SPAN 2.0 but haven’t used it yet! any one else use it?br

SPAN is a quality plugin, it takes a bit of time to get it routed correctly but once it is you’ll be able to see what frequencies are clashing with each other with ease!

Use the SA from Ableton always.br
Aside from that, when EQing I use the Fabfilter that has Pre/Post spectrum analyzer as well :wink:

I use both Span and Ableton spectrum analysers, they both sit on my master bus. I don’t really bother with routing random stuff, I mostly use my ears, but just glance at them to make sure I’m not completely out of the park!