What microphone would you recommend?

Hi Phil, i’m just about to buy a cheap microphone for recording some found sounds like kitchen utensils banging, me hand-clapping etc, and also for recording me speaking words into the mic to process the speaking vocals and use in my tracks.br
Which mic would you recommend for this?br
I don’t really want to spend more than about £80 or so if i can get away with it!br
Thanks mate,br

Hey Dave,br
I don’t have a clue about what microphones are best i no there expensive but i though i would let you no which one i have which is a behringer C-1 condensing mic i think it was £30 on amazon, i read a few reviews and they seemed positive, i no that you get what you pay for normally, but it does the job for me.

Shure SM57

Phil - can you recommend something?br
I’m considering the Rode M3 - what do you think? What do you guys / have you guys used and think is really good?

Anyone else got any recommendations?br
Condenser mics only please.

If you are looking to record in the field ie sample sounds you could look at this very portable option br
What other things will you be recording?

Going to use it mainly at first for ‘found-sounds’, so i will record things like me hitting various kitchen utensils and other random objects to create drum and percussion sounds that i can use in my tracks.br
I also want to record vocals - which at first will mainly consist of me speaking into the mic, so that i can have spoken word samples and phrases in my tracks that say exactly what i want them to say. I will then heavily process the vocal samples with things like distortion, chorus etc.br

If you want something versatile the rode m3 is a good bet.br

Cool think i’ll get one of them as i was thinking of this one anyway.br
Thanks for your help guys.