What, No disquant for old members

I just found out that my member ship from a year isnt valid anymore. Ok i dont mind to pay but i find out that the prices are almost doubled. I think this is really stupid. No disquant for old members and double the prices.

So why the FXXX old members dont get a 50% discquant or something?

how much is the subscription now ?

[quote]alinenunez (10/10/2010)[hr]how much is the subscription now ?[/quote]

2 virgins and a pint of warm blood :wink:

£29 a quarter - or £99 a year

But a loyalty scheme would be nice - though i will wait for those elusive 10% vouchers :slight_smile:

yeahh that would be nice. still cheap IMO . but yeahh having especial discount for old subscriber would be nice.

When i remeber correctly it where around 60e a year a go.