When the synthesizer came to the village

A little movie about how much joy a synthesizer can give an elderly couple who are stuck in their daily routine as picking potatoes.

Or how ICN got into music production


Man… thats some rascist sh!t talking about Irish people & spuds…

If we werent white - would ya be posting Vids about Bananas? :stuck_out_tongue:


Did you see how she was caressing that knob on the potato? :smiley:

[quote]ICN (25/07/2011)[hr]

If we werent white - would ya be posting Vids about Bananas? :stuck_out_tongue:


Errrrr YES :D:hehe::P:w00t:

This has got a kind of sick texas chainsaw massacre feel about it, anyone else getting that vibe? :smiley:

[quote]gavisthename (25/07/2011)[hr]This has got a kind of sick texas chainsaw massacre feel about it, anyone else getting that vibe? :D[/quote]

Welcome to Wales it should be the alternative title if that was the case ;):P:w00t::smiley:

Replace spuds with Leeks & the Synth with a Sheep :smiley:

& for the Americans:

Replace the Spuds with Hamburgers - and the Synth with Hamburgers :stuck_out_tongue: :hehe:

& for Scots

Beer and mars bars in batter

Anyone else we can stereotype while we are at it :smiley:


Gnarly teeth & benefits :smiley:

Now now boyz I think its time we do hands across the UK and heal this hurt! :wink:

You cant turn back digital clocks… sorry mate, y’ll just have to integrate :slight_smile:

[quote]ICN (25/07/2011)[hr]English…

Gnarly teeth & benefits :D[/quote]

And little girls with babies

Burberry & Chlamydia :smiley:

[quote]ICN (25/07/2011)[hr]Burberry & Chlamydia :D[/quote]

chlamydia is a badge of honour where i come from :wink: i got the victoria cross :hehe:

Jesus !! lol

[quote]alinenunez (25/07/2011)[hr]Jesus !! lol[/quote]

Whats he got too do with it :smiley:

What a great video! HAHA

That’s going right on my facebook page.

[quote]jbachjr78 (28/07/2011)[hr]What a great video! HAHA

That’s going right on my facebook page.[/quote]

I want my finders fee first sonny :smiley: