When will we finally get a techno tutorial?

after loads of posts requesting a techno tutorial in the new schedule it seems to be overlooked again even though it is the only main genre not to be covered yet

i would not be annoyed if we had another poll after new disco so it could go to a vote but instead SA have decided to give us another ableton beginners tutorial and a htsl tribal which if i remember correctly has only been requested in one post and never once mentioned in any poll i’ve ever seen on SA unlike techno

dont get me wrong i’ve nothing against tribal in fact i’d really like to see the tutorial and think there’s a lot to be learnt from it also i understand that all skill levels need to be catered for but there already is a beginners ableton course so maybe that could of been put back a bit till all genre’s had been covered?

i feel techno is been overlooked and if it had gone to poll then fair play but even after repeated posts in the htsl forum it seems to be ignored anyway rant over;)

Yeah got to agree with this,techno generally is such a fundamental component of dance/club music in general(across europe certainly)it seems an oversight theirs no proper techno tutorial done or even coming up.For example I understand nu disco for example won the poll but techno got higher than tech trance in the last poll and it was still done anyway,then their wasn’t even a techno option in that nu disco poll.Also the thing with doing something of a fad sub genre like nu disco in the time its taken to get the thing produced since the poll it has already dropped in popularity generally,i guess these disco edits have been going on for a while in the alt/indie electro scene still but in a way it seems crazy to be covering these sub genres of a sub genre when something with the global popularity of techno has not be done yet,even from just a pure business/capitalist standpoint i think you could get many more people on to the site offering a techno tutorial than a nu disco or tribal one.I’m actually personally quite looking forward to the tribal one as phil is always good and i’m sure i’ll learn some things but for the balance of the site a basic techno htsl would seem to be a good idea sooner rather than later.

I too would love to see how s.a would do their spin on techno,

but theres defo a high demand for tribal


what artists do you feel you want covered ie hard rush/leibing or jackin stuff like beyer/lecabuesch ?:slight_smile:


[quote]egg2 (1/7/2010)[hr]I too would love to see how s.a would do their spin on techno,

but theres defo a high demand for tribal


what artists do you feel you want covered ie hard rush/leibing or jackin stuff like beyer/lecabuesch ?:)[/quote]

yeah there’s demand for tribal but there’s been massive demand and many topics requesting techno and as the massive genre it is i think its been overlooked after all it did actually finish higher than tech trance in that poll but tech trance got done as it had numorous requests

i’m not tribal bashing i’m looking forward to it i just think in the intrest of fair play things should of at least gone to a poll

i love all techno so anything from beyer,leibieng right through to jeff mills,surgeon,bas mooy would do me but its not about that its techno as a whole been overlooked that has me miffed lol

im with you man, techno is what i produce most of the time, im sure this went to poll and had quite a few votes so maybe we could chat to the guys and maybe push for techno for march :slight_smile:

A techno tutorial would be great, im not massively clued up on techno but i know theres more than one from of the genre (which is wickid i think) but ye definetly get a techno tutorial up :cool:

things will come faster once the new site is up and running.

i dont think any of the creators are that into techno otherwise it would of been covered by now



maybe we should set up technotutorial.com :hehe:



good rant chris you speak for me aswell!

[quote]mussi81 (1/8/2010)[hr]i dont think any of the creators are that into techno otherwise it would of been covered by now

maybe weshould set up technotutorial.com :hehe:

good rant chris you speak for me aswell![/quote]

You obviously haven’t heard any of Pyscatrons stuff then!!

Aslong as it doesn’t sound like this:

[quote]howiegroove (1/8/2010)[hr]things will come faster once the new site is up and running.[/quote]

howie we all know things have been slow lately due to the new site etc but thats not the issue its a major genre not being covered yet then we get the new release shedule and no mention of techno or even a new poll so people can decide for themselves it is just a straight duplicate of a already done beginners course and tribal

i think in the interest of fair play techno should of being covered if not a poll should of being done so its the peoples choice the site revamp excuse does not cut it for this as in various posts from the sa crew they have said that nu disco is still being worked on so future realises cant even of being started as nu disco has being on the boiler for months now

[quote]roben (1/8/2010)[hr]Aslong as it doesn’t sound like this:


no no no no no more limits…please!!!:wink:

i agree with you chris and the others that have posted about this. there is a lot of really good techno being created right now. i say dump the ableton intro course and make a techno tut.

and i dont know what your talking about but that song is still hot. we love that sound here in the states. makes me wanna dust off my glowsticks , iron my parachute pants and go rave all night, thank god its the weekend

i wanted to share this special song with all of you

[quote]tommyt (1/8/2010)[hr]i agree with you chris and the others that have posted about this. there is a lot of really good techno being created right now. i say dump the ableton intro course and make a techno tut.[/quote]

Yeah maybe we should have a poll about how many subscribers to the site would rather have a techno htsl than the ableton intro course which nobody seems to want and feels fairly useless.

[quote]chris831 (1/9/2010)[hr][quote]tommyt (1/8/2010)[hr]i agree with you chris and the others that have posted about this. there is a lot of really good techno being created right now. i say dump the ableton intro course and make a techno tut.[/quote]

Yeah maybe we should have a poll about how many subscribers to the site would rather have a techno htsl than the ableton intro course which nobody seems to want and feels fairly useless.[/quote]


+10000 !

A lot of people/producers are looking for a real techno (i mean not a tech-house, minimal tech or tech trance one) tutorial…

And, to be in the “industry”, you can all be sure that techno is gonna make its come back in 2010! A lot of new vinyl labels are coming, and even the old DJ’s who let the techno down (such as Dave Clarke?) say they’ll make a come back to it!

This tutorial can be useful for a lot of users, and will became more useful in the next months!

Any kind of techno would be great :

  • Funky Techno (Old : Joey Beltram, New : PHTNM)
  • Tribal Techno (Old : Cristian Varela, New : Raul Mezcolanza, Fer Br, …)
  • “Techno” (Old : Jeff Mills, Adam Beyer (not the minimal **** he makes now) New: Bas Mooy, The Advent
  • Dark/Birmingham Techno (Surgeon, Luke Slater, Grovskopa, …)

    Please, make us happy! :wink: and FIGHT4TECHNO!

i think sa decision to make a ableton intro course is purely a business decision. Ableton just released that version of their software, if sa makes a course all those new users of that product im sure would want to see the course. They probably have something worked out with ableton maybe a promo. Good busines move if thats what their thinking.

The only way I can see that it could help all of us that have been here for awhile is boost sa’s sales and enable them to hire more people and produce more content or increase service of some kind. Still the short term decision is to make the techno tut. Im sure there are a lot of members who haven’t been satisfied because this type of module hasnt been created. Im really startin to feel techno again. Electro has been played out for a year or more and i think people want to hear new or old sounds again.

Bryan if your out there let us know if this is a possibiity for happening soon. Im sure the techno heads dont want to wait another three months before that tut comes out.

To be honest guys, considering the amount of request for this tut, i’m pretty sure that SA will definitely add it to their schedule soon so don’t worry :slight_smile: