Where to get good MIDI samples

Hey everyone, everyone gets writers block. For me though, I dont have much problems with sounds. My issues lies in creating patterns. I found that the best thing for me is to work with MIDI samples and get a general idea and tweak it from there. Does anyone know where to get good quality MIDI samples? I don’t really want them for free, but I just want quality samples. Anyone know of sites that have them, sell them, or give them away?

Thanks! :slight_smile:



good lookin out dood! free ones too!!!

anyone else got some gems?

i had the tech house ones and they were all good, i lost them when i damaged my external drive and have never been able to get them back

the only thing about the dancemidisamples.com is that they are a bit pricey. It doesnt seem as though you dont get alot for your money.

i think you get the midi files plus samples or presets used to create them. they are expensive but you’ll find this with almost 99% of the midi packs, i think its something to do with the fact that potentially they should have greater flexibility than a run of the mill sample pack.

There is a plugin called Midimadness that might help.


[p]There is a tutorial on these but no demo[/p]

I haven’t tried it but might but may do soon.

If anyone knows if it is any good then I would like to know

Great idea, but it is Windows only… :angry:

Just found this site and remembered this post.


Some of them sound ok.

Why don’t you find previews of ones you like (the ones that cost money, not the free ones obv) and just pen them in by ear, that’s what I do sometimes.

By this I mean, have the audio looping with your DAW open, and using just one key/note tap in the notes on the right rhythm. You’ll get them all a bit off (if yer like me) but then go back and requantize them propoerly. Now stick a patch playing on them midi notes and move them up or down till it fits.

Maybe you do this already, and maybe there is a name for it… but I do it all the time when I am doing a remix say, and I want more flexibility than the original audio stems. That way i can keep the melody and whack whatever sound through it.

[quote]deeko (9/30/2009)[hr]There is a plugin called Midimadness that might help.


[p]There is a tutorial on these but no demo[/p]

I haven’t tried it but might but may do soon.

If anyone knows if it is any good then I would like to know[/quote]

I saw a writeup on Midi Madness in CM. I emailed the owners and the told me that they are in the process of creating a version for the Mac. It should be good to go in a couple months. Cant wait!

I think this site is definitley shaping up to be deserved of sticky staus, good work lads, thanks