Why is important to build the Beat before the Melodics in Dance Music?

Just wondering , i seen many videos of the Pros where they always start for the beat then they add melodic parts .

does anyone know why is so important?

I guess the thinking is that it is “dance music” so the foundation has to be a strong groove with a melody woven into it.

But I think they always have an idea about the melody already. Before they record the vid they got it all worked out already. That’s just my guess.

I can’t argue, however, with the fact that the foundation of dance music is the beat. That’s why they always stress the urge to use a good kick drum to carry your track.

Its because dance music is meant to be played by dj’s who mix, the long intros of just beats are there to make their lives easier. Its very hard to mix in a track which has a 3 minute string intro…

[quote]alinenunez (25/05/2011)[hr]Just wondering , i seen many videos of the Pros where they always start for the beat then they add melodic parts .

does anyone know why is so important?[/quote]

because if you dont you will have to make a track with the metronome on - and there is risk of going completely insane after about 10 minutes