I’m now into my 5th week out of my studio due to work commitments… and the withdrawal symptons are kicking in!
I’ve got lots of idea running around my head but think its gonna be hard to get back into the swing of thing as quickly as if I’d only had a few days or a week off and a lot of the ideas I had I’ve forgotten, would be good to get idea down on paper or something but I cant write music so at a lose there.
Anyone have any methods for getting back into the swing of things quickly or getting ideas down on paper?
Roll on the weekend when I get back into the studio for a couple of weeks!
Actually no ideas - but you could look at the break as a good thing. I am sure you will pick everything up again very quickly but with even more vigour and maybe a slightly differnt aspect - which can not be a bad thing surely
Yeah sometimes its nice to have a break. You come back and everything is fresh and usually it just happens naturally to get back in the swing of things.