Working with free synths on a Mac

Hey all,

So I have started working through some tuts and am trying to make my free synths work for me, ideally I would have liked to jump into Sylenth1 but my budget is pretty tied up at the moment so I figured I’d leave it for another day.

Right now I am trying to make the patches work in TAL Elec7ro and I sometimes get them there to some degree but I’ll always be off the mark or they seem not to sit well in the mix. Now I must admit I keep getting closer and there are other factors to consider such as the fact that Elec7ro does not have the built in reverb and delay that Sylenth1 has and that I need to add other effect to chain that in which makes it doubly hard.

My question for your opinion, should I just try to get an approximation on my patches, even though they bother me and try to just get through the tuts? Thereby not distracting from the other things I am trying to learn, or should I keep at it and get a really good feel for subtractive synthesis.

The other thing to consider is that I might never get just the “right” sound out of Elec7ro and am chasing my tail a little here. :hehe:

Your thoughts?

My opinion, for what it is worth, is that there is a big advantage in doing things the way you are. By trying to recreate the sounds using a different synth you are learning even more about synth programming. Ultimately the goal is for us all to create our own tracks, and when we do that synth programming and getting it to sound right are important skills.

I use Massive when going through the tuts, and try my best to recreate the sound by first setting up the synth as they do, they tweaking until it sounds as right as possible.

Having said all of that, the Sylenth demo is very good. t has almost all the features and doesn’t stop working (it does have a vocal sample that plays every now and then though). I found it useful to have sometimes.

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I think you have a valid point. There is a big reward when that patch is finally just right, but I also think I have a lot to learn. I need to slow down and take a step back and make sure I nail the basics of synthesis.

I get very impatient though and maybe that gives rise to some of the frustration I can feel at times. :w00t: But as you said, it’s an essential skill and it makes you really listen to what you are doing - thereby training that pesky lazy ear.

[quote]kodefreez (19/07/2010)[hr]
I get very impatient though and maybe that gives rise to some of the frustration I can feel at times. :w00t: But as you said, it’s an essential skill and it makes you really listen to what you are doing - thereby training that pesky lazy ear.[/quote]

I could have writen this, I am exactly the same :slight_smile: