Hey guys I’m in a position that the type of vocals I want for my tracks aren’t directly available to me. So I need to get some vocals from artists in other countries I was just wondering if this is possible? Like what’s the process to do this? I was thinking of jus making a track doing a rough mix and sending them the whole track and telling them where you want the different vocal parts like for example going a sheet with between 1:30 - 2:30 verse 1 then 2:30 to 3:30 chorus etc etc. Am I making it more difficult this way or is this how it’s done? All help appreciated
well, there is one really good way to do it. first off, make sure your connection is good… AKA, dont get screwed. Once this and payment (if there is one) is out of the way, this is how you go about it…
Make your song. Write your lyrics. Sing the lyrics how you want them to be sung by the vocalist. Autotune your voice so that the vocalist knows exactly what youre after. Send them the vox file of you singing with autotune and the song. Your vocals are called a GUIDE VOCAL. From there, have the singer sing it similar to the way you did but have them record it a couple different ways. Like in acting, when going off the grid a little, you can get some special takes. You might rather use those in the performance instead.
Hope this helps.
Good tips from Howie, however if your singer is songwriting it for you too here is what to do (it’s what i do with my vocalist):
Most pro singer / songwriters will have the ability to record at home / in their own studio / etc. So you just need to let them know what it is your after, it’s easier to get on the phone to them to talk about the track, talk about where you’re taking it, your ideas and then let them listen to your track.
They don’t need a hi-quality track, so if you’re worried about sending them a 320k mp3 then just sent them the 192k mp3.
They can then listen and get a feel for it and start to write lyrics, they’ll get back to you with what they’re written and you can let them know what you think.
It usually helps if they do some rough takes and send it over to you so you can listen to it over your track, see what works, what doesn’t, etc.
Then they will do a final takes and send you all the parts, you take the bits that you like best from each take.
You then start to layer it how you want on top of your track, you send the track back to them to see if they’re happy also.
It helps also if you can get the singer in to your studio to work the track arrangement together, but if they’re abroad like you say then that’s not really going to happen.
I found having my singer in my studio with me we got some unbelieable progress and ideas done.
Usually on a singer / songwriter deal you’ll probably go 50/50% on the track deal with them, although this depends if they’re writing a whole song for you or just a vocal line, and/or if you’re just paying them up front for the service or if they’ll just be making a cut of sales like you.
[quote]roben (22/08/2010)[hr]
Usually on a singer / songwriter deal you’ll probably go 50/50% on the track deal with them, although this depends if they’re writing a whole song for you or just a vocal line, and/or if you’re just paying them up front for the service or if they’ll just be making a cut of sales like you.[/quote]
Not necessarily…but if you decide to do this, youre leaving money on the table.
its more like 4% of the royalties if youre not just tossing them a few bucks upfront.
[quote]bobby lupo (22/08/2010)[hr]its more like 4% of the royalties if youre not just tossing them a few bucks upfront.[/quote]
Yeah like i said it depends. If they’re just singing for you the % will be MUCH lower than if they’ve written the song as well. Also the % isn’t going to the same if they’ve just written and sung a vocal line as opposed to a whole song with verses, chorus, bridge and ad libs.
For example I’m pretty sure Freemasons didn’t cut Katherine Ellis 4% for writing and singing ‘When You Touch Me’.
this made me think about a girl i used to know that only got paid a couple hundred bucks to sing(and help write) a song that went on to sell 200,000 copies back in like 96(maybe 97).the producer is a bit of a fat scumbag.
Lol spill THE beans on who it was lol or atleast give à few clues. Tbh id rather share à bit of The royalty % as apposed to paying some cash up front as the money from dance music is sooooooo bad !
What track was that Bobby??
These things happen! It’s not the same but it’s a similar instance but The Wideboys in their FM dvd were saying how they used to produce tracks for people, but one time they got paid a small amount to make this track for this guy, who then went on to get a top 10(think it’s top 10) hit and made a lot of money from it, even though it was all The Wideboys work! lol
Basically put them off ghost producing from then on.
even if they write and sing the song, i still wouldnt give 50%. this is from what i have learned from other producers that I know.
I agree. I give 10% to my vocalists and I consider that high since I write the lyrics and create the arrangement as well, but they are close friends so I go a little bit higher.
[quote]jjdejong0 (23/08/2010)[hr]Lol spill THE beans on who it was lol or atleast give à few clues.[/quote]
ah what the hell might as well