WTF Usernames

Apologies in advance if this offends - But I often laugh at the different usernames which pop up.

I dont think they are intentionally funny - but they make me roar out laughing sometimes.

Searching through the member list will either confirm or destroy your faith in humanity.

Again - Apologies to anyone who is offended.

WTF is with these names?

The **** is the word Sh!t :hehe:

[quote]ICN (02/11/2010)[hr]Apologies in advance if this offends - But I often laugh at the different usernameswhich pop up.

I dont think they are intentionally funny - but they make me roar out laughing sometimes.

Searching through the member list will either confirm or destroy your faith in humanity.

Again - Apologies to anyone who is offended.

WTF is with these names?

The **** is the word Sh!t :hehe:[/quote]

Another productve day at ICN’s house I see :smiley:

Work Hard - Play HARDER :smiley:

[quote]ICN (02/11/2010)[hr]Work Hard - Play HARDER :D[/quote]

LOL that from a student :w00t:

if only half the time spent trolling was actually used productively to make music, you might be a superstar ICN!

ICN spends the rest of his time pillaging as a viking what do you expect!


I’ve a LOT of downtime - What can I say!! :smiley:

It is funny Guys - isnt it? Awful funny sh!t :w00t:

Brilliant, especially the comment on ballattacker!

More posts like these I say!


A man of taste :slight_smile:

I cant stop laughing.

Big Ball! Hahaha!

Big Gremlin. Hohoho!!