Xfer Nerve

This and Sugar Bytes’ Thesys bought and paid for andare downloading now. I’m actually excited. Anyone using these?

edit: Nerve.

Cool Scott!

I love step sequencers - The Matix in Reason is my all time favourite.

Thats what I miss most about Reason.

Looked @ Thesys & the other bigger one Conqecuence… but read a lot of stuff about them being difficult, if not impossible to use with Logic.

What are you using as your DAW?

Would love to get a Step Sequencer that would work in Logic, but any of the ones out there are all in some ancient obselete code.

Nerve looks cool - will be interested to see what you think of it. Have you ever used Guru?

Looks like Ableton, then.

[quote]scott (15/07/2010)[hr]Looks like Ableton, then.[/quote]

Sh!t Man - are you Logic?

Heard there is a workaround involving the Environment & DAC something or other…

Might be complely wrong - Its a good year or more since I last looked @ it… so there might be a better reality now. “Heard” Logic 9 is pretty cool for the type of midi routung thats needed to make AU’s work off something like Thesys - but you know yourself how cloudy this info gets in your head after a while.

I just knew that it was enough to make me not even try the demo. Think I read it on KVR… a lot of the developers have a topic / forum there.

Let us know how you get on Man. What are you using? L8 or 9?

Bought Nerve a few weeks ago and have never looked back. Intuitive interface, unparalleled sample manipulation (so all your existing sample banks are suddenly open to infinite weird sound manipulation tweaks and twists), outstanding support from the developer who answers requests on his forum boards quickly, and seamless integration into your host DAW are just the start.

The other thing I like is the in built step sequencer. I’ve posted elsewhere that I’m a big fan of the Matrix step sequencer in Reason, and this certainly comes close in terms of ease of use. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone. If you’re unsure there is a demo you can download from the website/

[quote]wickedged (15/07/2010)[hr]

The other thing I like is the in built step sequencer. I’ve posted elsewhere that I’m a big fan of the Matrix step sequencer in Reason, and this certainly comes close in terms of ease of use. /[/quote]

Hi5!! :hehe: :cool:

I have had my eye on this only I have tooooo many other toys to get first - hope you enjoy :slight_smile:

Doesn’t look bad however, it’s a bit pricy! $200 USD! That’s a lot of money…:wink:

Hey Scott - Did you get messing around with them yet? What do you think?

Did you get Thesys working in Logic?

I definitely think its worth it though. Just the versatility it offers on your existing sample banks is worth it - get any old sample CD from a magazine cover and you’ve got infinite possibilities in sound design open to you. Even NI’s Maschine doesn’t offer the same sound sculpting potential that Nerve does - give it a try!

Thesys is fine with Ableton 8, Logic no. Did a bit of reading 'round the internet and it’s a MIDI issue not solely with Logic, but OSX itself, it seems. I bought it as an arp with more control and it seems to like my hard synths so it’s a keeper, just need to fiddle more with it.

Nerve is fun to use and supports drag and drop, so far so good, but more work needed to get more accustomed with it. I like to **** about without the manual, then I’ll get the manual out as a toilet companion over a few weeks.

I bought it because of the Duda video with DRamirez and the fact it has crept into a few new Techno tracks I’ve heard recenttly, if I’m honest it was the latter that sold it to me.



Close Your Eyes (8AM Beats tool)


Ahh Thats a pity Man… Just thinking about meself - Would have loved a SS if it was viable… But thats sound you can still get a use out of it. I’d say many people have not been so fortunate.

Pity you have to second guess everything you buy in that way.

Must check out a demo of Nerve. Windows 8 doesnt seem to like Beatport, so I’ll have to check out that later on the Mac.

[quote]ICN (16/07/2010)[hr]

Must check out a demo of Nerve. Windows 8 doesnt seem to like Beatport, so I’ll have to check out that later on the Mac.[/quote]

Windows 8 are you Bill Gates bas***d child :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems to work on mine fine after a little fiddling

Sweet! Heard a load of good things about them.  Enjoy.

[quote]slender (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]ICN (16/07/2010)[hr]

Must check out a demo of Nerve. Windows 8 doesnt seem to like Beatport, so I’ll have to check out that later on the Mac.[/quote]

Windows 8 are you Bill Gates bas***d child :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems to work on mine fine after a little fiddling[/quote]


I guess I’ll have to wait for Beatport to do a Britannia CD Club to start doing Techno.

And set up a fake A/c… again! :hehe: