Anyone had a go on this yet? I downloaded the demo last night and very quickly (too quickly in fact) fell in love with it. But I’m realising the uncomfortable truth about myself that I am far too impulsive, and so have stopped myself from blowing another load of money on yet another plugin. What I like about it, however, is the way in which it utilises your existing sample collections and warps them into something with infinite possibilities.
I’d be interested to hear others’ opinions on the value of this plug in general if you have any!
I agree with you, Nerve runs in Ableton verry well ! Even better than Guru !
i did played with the demo and havent really seen nothing especial . it have alot of features to edit the sample. i think is a great tool for someone who doesn’t have a drum machine sampler. IMO
Yes - that’s my dilemma. I’ve got Maschine which is phenomenal and offers a brilliant range of sample mangling potential, but I was still impressed with Nerve. It seemed to offer a very easy, hands on approach to mashing up your sample base. I’m taking it steady, though, and waiting to see if it has a long term appeal. Of course, you’re always tempted by the fact that the demo apparently locks out some of its functionality. Goddammit.